pondelok 28. novembra 2016


The leaves are down finally so I pruned the blackthorn, hawthorn and wisteria today and moved them to their new winter quarters.
My grandma (on the left) had a friend for a visit for their daily chat so I made them to pose for a photo with the blackthorn before I did radical cuts on it.


Jesenný rez

Konečne opadali listy a tak som trošku obrezal trnku, hloh a wistériu a preniesol ich do nového zimného brlohu.
Babka (vľavo) mala na návšteve kamošku na ich každodenný pokec a tak som im spravil spoločnú fotku s trnkou predtým než som ju radikálne obrezal.

streda 16. novembra 2016


I was looking forward to see some autumn images of my penjings and I can only show you winter ones instead as it is snowing here before true colors appeared on the trees.


Zimné fotky
Tešil som sa na jesenné fotky ale zima je tu skôr ako sa jesenné farby mohli plne prejaviť na listoch mojích stromov, tak tu pre vás mám rovno zasnežené krajinky.

štvrtok 10. novembra 2016


I collected few pines in the late spring this year.
Well - collected isn´t the right word I think - as you could see in earlier posts about our concrete pine jungle - they were growing on  top of concrete slabs in huge used-to-be irrigation pool in the old orchards.
They were literally just lifted from there with cutting around the shallow root system.
It looks like they didn´t even notice and shown a strong growth during summer.
And therefore I am really considering to give few of them first rough styling this winter.
I got an inspiration for the triple trunk pine while looking at the pics of the pine over the valley I took on our last trip to Ružín.

Tohto roku som počas neskorej jari vykopal pár borovíc.
Vlastne-vykopal nieje to správne slovo. Rástli na betónových paneloch v bývalej zavlažovacej nádrži pre náš bývalý sad.
Doslova som ich len dvihol a obstrihal plochý koreňový bal.
Vyzerá to tak, že si to ani nevšimli a silno rástli celé leto.
A preto uvažujem, že zopár z nich podrobím túto zimu prvému hrubému tvarovaniu.
Dostal som nápad na tvar pre trojkmeň na našom poslednom výlete na Ružín.

I only need to imagine it with another trunk on the right.
Len si musím domyslieť ďalší kmeň vpravo.

Here is the pic of the actual tree after virtually removing few branches.
Tu je foto môjho trojkmeňa po virtuálnom odstránení pár vetiev.

And source material photographed after "collection".
A materiál hneď po "kopaní".

Feel free to let me know what you think about it in the comments below, any feedback welcomed.
I welcome any ideas for better use of the tree´s potential too :)
Kľudne mi môžte napísať do komentov čo si o tom myslíte, vítam akýkoľvek názor :)

utorok 1. novembra 2016


I am celebrating one and a half year doing "bonsai" and a year of writing about my endeavours, so I finally managed to put together a video with some of my creations I did in that time.
All my creations are at the start of their journey just like me in this hobby, but I wanted to have a video documentation of them too.
To prevent youtube from taking down background music I would put in it due to the copyright claims, I wrote and recorded background music myself and I call it "Wind in my bonsai garden".
Enjoy :)



Už je to rok a pol čo sa venujem tomuto hobby a rok o tom píšem na tomto blogu, a tak som dal dokopy video s niektorými mojími výtvormi na oslavu.
Všetky sú na začiatku svojej cesty tak ako ja v tomto hobby, ale chcel som z nich mať aj video dokumentáciu.
Aby mi youtube nevypol doprovodnú hudbu kvôli copyrightu, zložil som si a nahral k tomu vlastnú brnkačku a nazval ju "Vietor v mojej bonsajovej záhrade".
Príjemné pozeranie :)