štvrtok 29. júna 2017


I wrote about the pine that stands tall over the lake Ružín several times already cause it inspires me greatly, it was kind of model for my pine three trunk styled earlier this year and now I realized I have a great tree collected recently that will easily and more precisely imitate that great one.
The more I walk around the tree, the more I see the Ružin pine in it and I admire the beauty of it.
I was worried a bit about it because only the candles on smaller trunk elongated and produced nice needles, but a bit later larger trunk followed and it looks like new needles are extending on it too.
The tree has its share of beating by the elements, especially last night when strong wind during the storm blew a pot with ficus cuttings on top of it and eventually rocked the tree on its side. That followed twice more during the day in storms that came back so I had to move it to a different spot.
Luckily not a single branch was broken and due to apparently good job when wiring the root mass to the pot, it wasn´t knocked out of it.
I want this tree to be "styled" as naturally as possible while still following some of the basic bonsai rules that might enhance it´s look. Therefore there is not much work on it and it gives me great pleasure to look and care for this tree.

I spotted it last year and I knew immediatelly that I needed to come back there and collect it.
It is in the front of this pic on the right.

Another recent pic with ficus cutting asassins in blue pot over it

And now I remembered another instance of imminent damage to this beauty.
My grandma had a visitor, old friend of her and my late grandpa who came on his electric trike and parked it´s front wheel deep into the branches of the smaller trunk.
I nearly had a stroke.

sobota 17. júna 2017


I got me one more pinus sylvestris from the same garden centre as the last one and today I prepped it for styling of the crown that will take place during the workshop of our local club in july.


Ďalšia borovica

Kupil som si ešte jednu pinus sylvestris v rovnakom zahradnictve ako tu poslednu a dnes som si ju pripravil na tvarovanie koruny, ktoré plánujem začiatkom jula na tvarovačke košického klubu.

štvrtok 15. júna 2017


I created new penjing with supermarket chinese elms during last two days too.
There is a lot of work to come on the trees, and I might bring the middle one a bit closer to the front.
The slab is a stone called Greek Antik from local stone merchant and I got few more of those, different shapes and sizes.
My family is saying that this landscape looks nicer from the back.
What do you think?



Počas uplynulých dvoch dní som dal dokopy aj nový penjing so supermarketovými brestmi.
Je na nich veľa roboty, ako na všetkých takýchto "bonsajoch", ale s tým nemám problém.
Stredný stromček asi ešte príde viac do predu.
Kamenný plat je obkladový kameň z kamenárstva ktorý sa volá Grécky Antik.
Veľmi sa mi zapáčili, tak ich mám viac, rôzne tvary a veľkosti.
Moja rodina vraví že táto krajinka vyzerá lepšie zozadu.
Čo vy na to?





Video of pine that was styled yesterday:

Click here



Video včera natvarovanej borovice:

Klikni sem

streda 14. júna 2017


Last friday I couldn´t resist buying one nice pine in my favourite garden centre.
And yesterday I couldn´t resist to style it.
Here are some pics after 6 hours of work.
Some branches might go later on, but for now I didn´t want to weaken the plant too much.


Tvarovanie pinus sylvestris zo záhradníctva

Minulý piatok som neodolal jednej borovičke v mojom obľúbenom záhradníctve, a včera som neodolal túžbe natvarovať ju.
Tu je pár fotiek pred a po 6tich hodinách práce.
Niektoré vetvy ešte časom možno pôjdu preč, teraz som stromček nechcel veľmi oslabiť.



pondelok 12. júna 2017


Here are some pics from the weekend that I would like to share.


Fotky z víkendu

Tu je zopár fotiek z víkendu o ktoré by som sa chcel podeliť.

Emma at work in the kitchen, preparing some sand cookies for daddy who is working on some trees.
Emma pracuje v kuchyni a pripravuje tatovi pieskové koláče, zatiaľ čo on sa bavka so stromčekami.

The result of that work - juniper created last year after some pruning and rewiring.
A tu je výsledok bavkania - borievka, ktorá bola vytvorená minuý rok po prestrihaní a čiastočnom drôtovaní.

This buxus collected last year from parent´s garden had to be repotted because of the substrate I planted it in last year that was constantlly wet.
Tento buxus kopnuty minuly rok zo zahradky rodičov musel byť presadený kvôli neustále premočenému substrátu do ktoreho som ho vtedy zasadil.

On friday I came across this amazing scots pine in garden centre and i had to buy it. Here it is after clearing some of dry and some live branches too. It looks amazing live and I cannot wait to style it.
V piatok som v zahradnictve objavil tuto borovičku a musel som ju kúpiť. Tu je po odstránení suchých a aj pár živých konárov. Na živo vyzerá úžasne a ja sa neviem dočkať kedy si ju natvarujem.

And lastly some pics of yellow flowers of succulents
on my penjings.
A nakoniec pár fotiek žltých kvetov sukulentov na mojích penjingoch.

