According to Walter Pall, birches are not very good material for bonsai.
It is for the few reason that I am not going to explain here, you can google it on his blog.
But I gues everyone loves them.
I am always admiring one that is growing in front of my neighbour´s house.
In the spring when I started my bonsai journey, I got me some birch yamadori.
This one I wanted to make into one similiar to the raft style I have seen on Bonsa4me webpage.
But new shoots grow at the very base of the trunk so I will style it differently i guess.
Here are the pictures from right after it was dug out till this day.
I got one to be a garden tree as well - this is how it looks now:
When the leaves drop, I would like to start to style it into a weeping style and let it grow to 2 and a half meters at max.
Podľa Waltera Palla niesú brezy veľmi dobrý materiál na bonsai.
Nebudem tu rozoberať prečo, je to na jeho blogu.
Ale asi všetci ich milujeme.
Každý deň obdivujem jednu čo rastie pred susedovým domom - obrázok 1.
Na jar som si doniesol jednu vykopanú z ktorej som chcel spraviť niečo ako raft style čo som videl na stránke Bonsai4me.
Ale konáre vyrašili blízko seba tak to skúsim natvarovať ináč.
Na obrázku 2 a 3 sú fotky po vykopaní a dnes.
Tiež som si kopol jednu mladú brezu, ktorú nechám rásť asi 2 a pol metra a chcem ju aj natvarovať do weeping štýlu (Smutná breza - niesom si istý slovenskou obdobou :)
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