štvrtok 18. mája 2017


More head chopping today.
Wisteria flowers were nice, but I would like it to look nice without them and foliage too.


Návrat strýčka sekáča

Dnes som zase sekol hlavu.
Kvety wistérie boli krásne, no chcel by som aby vyzerala dobre aj bez nich a bez listov.

My fingers are itchy for this juniper - may the force help me to resist the urge to style it and leave it for a year to get some strenght after last year collection and early spring repotting after the wooden pot it was planted in dissintegrated while we were placing it on it´s summer spot. No more wooden improvised pots ever again!!!

Svrbia ma prsty na tvarovanie tejto borievky - nech mi sila pomáha odolať túžbe pohrať sa s ňou a nechať ju aspoň rok na zregenerovanie po minuloročnom výkope a jarnom presádzaní po tom ča sa drevená improvizovaná "miska" rozpadla pri prenose na letné miesto. Už nikdy viac drevené improvizované "misky" !!!

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