pondelok 9. apríla 2018


Junipers that were styled last year have got their first pots - actual present from my mum who cannot stand to see my trees in front of the house in ugly wooden crates - thanx mum!!! :)
After that I was able to bring all of my trees to their designated spots for the season. It makes me happy and I spent most of the weekend just roaming around the yard and looking at them :)

My wife and daughter Bea posing with freshly repotted Juniper and enjoying the sun

Freshly repotted wisteria - literati - last year´s airlayer that was separated in the middle of summer and planted with just a few roots in a pot supported with wires. It grew a lot of new roots till autumn and is now able to support itself without wires thanx to nice compact and strong rootball. I am glad I didn´t wait till autumn with separating it as it had much more space in a pot to grow new roots.

Another juniper after repot and on a new spot - exchanged for wisteria that has been moved to the other side of house. While repotting this one I was finally able to move it around easily once out of a very big and heavy wooden crate and I noticed at least 2 new possible styling options that wouldn´t be hard to perform and would most likely make a much nicer tree. So maybe next year I will play with it again.

3 komentáre:

  1. Nazdar Mimo, máš to tam čím viac krajšie. Keď Ti ešte rozkvitnú wistérie, prihoď foto.

  2. Diki Rasťo :) Jasne wisterky sa počas kvitnutia dostanu do spotlightu :P
    Vidime sa zase na narodnej?
