štvrtok 12. júla 2018


This blog is supposed to follow my learning process in the art of bonsai.
And that includes my failures - and failures are inevitable, because nobody´s perfect.

Most of what I know about bonsai I learned from Harry Harrington´s books and web, bonsai4me.com
Many times over I have read what he has written: Pines should be developed slowly. If you styled a pine one year, never repot it next year.
So what I did anyway? I repotted it this spring after I styled it last year. Why?
Well, many answers apply.
I am an IDIOT. IGNORANT. Or the least offensive explanation I can think of is - It looked ok and I believed it will make it, cause I usually don´t lose trees. I think I know what I am doing. But the truth is - I don´t have that much experience as this is my 4th year in bonsai and I have very little experience with conifers from a longer time frame viewpoint - as can be seen this year when I lost one overpruned and overstyled spruce that I placed in full sun when it was opening new buds, or as is case here - styling and repotting in only 2 seasons.
So here you can have a look at my folly:

Above mentioned dead spruce:

And to finish it off - my long term pine project failed too - after it survived heavy first styling and was going good in spring, I shouldn´t have messed with it again. And so the result is here:

I hope I learned my lesson and will take much much greater care with my other 9 pines.

While we are at this grim topic, lets update the yamadori section here too.

Cottinus seem to be dead.

Lilac´s new shoots died off and survived just the very low ones - thus ruining this promising material bigtime.

Last year´s gardendori japanese maple got fungus

At least recently posted wisteria is doing great and a precious cork bark elm too.
Finger´s crossed.

5 komentárov:

  1. I guess, it is deeply embeded in our nature - to repeat mistakes. Sorry to hear about your pines. Happy to see the other yamadori are doing well. Good luck.

  2. Ahoj Mimo, to mam mrzí. Viem že to bolí...hlavne sa nenechaj odradiť a pokračuj. Nech sa Ti darí.

  3. Taky príspevok by mal čas od času napísať každý z nás . Za mňa aspoň hrubé skóre za 10 rokov 60 žijúcich stromov k cca 40 mŕtvym.

    Hlavné je neponahlat sa. S ihličnatymi stromami určite . A pri listnatých opatrne pri presadzani, ak si si neistý tak nechať v miske aj 2-3 roky neísť do menšej.

  4. Ja za 3 roky zatiaľ zhruba 70 živych k 25 mrtvym keď tak počiatam a na nič som nezabudol.
    A maš pravdu, väčšina blogov budí dojem že stromčeky nikomu neodchádzajú, a potom sa človek čuduje ako to môže tak dobabrať.
    Ale čo rozprávam s lokálnymi bonsajistami tak majú posledné roky dosť veľké straty.
    Jednemu všetky hraby a buky zapestovane minuly rok, toho roku všetky vystavne borievky chytili hrdzu vraj :(
    To je asi najhoršie keď robiš všetko dobre, staraš sa a potom taka hrdza to napadne a môžeš vyhodiť stromček. :(
    Každopádne myslím že som sa poučil a budem podľa toho konať ďalej.
