All right lads, lets get to my trees that are still alive and well.
And to my accidental psycho judgment and ideas.
I was walking around the trees with a scissors few days back and it occured to me that I should prune my wisteria airlayer, so I did and I pruned every branch just to 1 pair of leaves.
I wanted as much sunshine as possible to reach inner crown and maybe initiate some more budding or ramification at the cuts.
Never read anywhere that it is a good idea, just that you build ramification by cutting the flowers off after they fade away.
Anyways, right after that I got to my computer, browsed through new blog posts I am subscribed to, and what did I find?
Michael Hagedorn´s blog about wisterias and ramification - and that we are supposed to cut to 1 pair of leaves every season to get ramification.
This is some crazy coincidence And I am glad that it is a nice one and I didn´t do anything wrong again this time.
However, I must be really bad example for enthusiasts as I sometimes do what I think might be good without actually knowing for sure what might happen.
But at least my photography background has arrived and I was able to do a proper pic of my airlayer.
With a nice grey background as they use for pics of the trees often in my favourite book by Qingquan Zhao.
Mimo, seš PEKAŘ. Ty zelené bochany na Tvých kytkách mě fakt trápí, stejně jako většinu Tvých kytek.
OdpovedaťOdstrániťNebudu Tě zdržovat důvody. Stejně pojedeš podle svého:)
To pozadí je fakt pěkné. Obarvený řízek z borovice/ akátu??? je zajímavý nápad.
Ahoj Vladimíre, nejak mi to google translate nevie preložiť :D
OdpovedaťOdstrániťPekař myslíš v akom zmysle?
A bochany čo ťa trápia aj moje kytky bude asi mach, ktorý by si tam nedával?
:D skús vysvetliť, trošku mi nedochádza. A dôvody si rád prečítam a samozrejme poskytnem aj svoje :)
Pozadie je pecka. Čo to je?