My bonsai diary. I will present you with what I did, spoiled, learned and have seen - that has something to do with bonsai. And to keep track of progress of my trees and penjing creations.
Because I´m lovin´ it :)
If you like what you see, you can check out my eshop where some of my creations and yamadori trees are for sale. I ship throughout EU countries, just contact me for the shipping cost.
streda 26. februára 2020
Grown from a cutting I took some 2 years ago.
Yesterday it was repotted into smaller and nicer pot and I also changed it´s position from semi cascade.
Moc hezký stromek. 145 mm?
OdpovedaťOdstrániťKdyž se Ti ta miska líbí, tak Ti jí nebudu vymlouvat:)))
OdpovedaťOdstrániťAsi 120mm.
Miska je krásna pre moje oči.
Ale zajtra si idem pre svoje prvé okuliare, tak sa potom pozriem ešte raz :D
Miska je krásná, ale pro moje srdce malá. Never mind, you like it and that's it.