
My bonsai diary. I will present you with what I did, spoiled, learned and have seen - that has something to do with bonsai. And to keep track of progress of my trees and penjing creations. Because I´m lovin´ it :) If you like what you see, you can check out my eshop where some of my creations and yamadori trees are for sale. I ship throughout EU countries, just contact me for the shipping cost.
sobota 30. apríla 2016
streda 20. apríla 2016
It seems that my sweating attempts were succesfull.
And now unidentified tree stump could be finally identified and it looks like that it is Hawthorn - Crataegus ambigua.
Blackthorn also sprouted to life and is pushing out the leaves too (although I thought that it didn´t make it and planned on dumping it, when I suddenly spotted miniature signs of life).
I will post more pictures later.
Výsledky "potenia"
Vyzerá že moje pokusy s potením boli úspešné a doteraz neidentifikovaný strom môže byť konečne identifikovaný - a vyzerá že to je hloh.
Trnka tiež žije a tlačí von listy (aj keď som nad ňou už skoro urobil križik - myslel som že vyschla a povedal si že neskôr ju vyhodím - keď v tom som zbadal tie miniatúrne znaky života).
Neskôr pridám viac fotiek.
It seems that my sweating attempts were succesfull.
And now unidentified tree stump could be finally identified and it looks like that it is Hawthorn - Crataegus ambigua.
Blackthorn also sprouted to life and is pushing out the leaves too (although I thought that it didn´t make it and planned on dumping it, when I suddenly spotted miniature signs of life).
I will post more pictures later.
Výsledky "potenia"
Vyzerá že moje pokusy s potením boli úspešné a doteraz neidentifikovaný strom môže byť konečne identifikovaný - a vyzerá že to je hloh.
Trnka tiež žije a tlačí von listy (aj keď som nad ňou už skoro urobil križik - myslel som že vyschla a povedal si že neskôr ju vyhodím - keď v tom som zbadal tie miniatúrne znaky života).
Neskôr pridám viac fotiek.
utorok 19. apríla 2016
Last summer I planted tiny juniper on a rock I bought from local stone merchant shop.
I planned to style it later but couldn´t figure out how.
As I had some time last sunday, I decided to turn it around and put this whole thing in a pot, where it will have more room for root growth and actually can grow and evolve.
I didn´t mess with the roots just took it off the rock and planted it in a different position.
I will try and style it later this year.
Penjing s borievkou
Minulý rok som kúpil v neďalekom obchode s kameňom skalu a pripevnil na ňu malú borievku.
Chcel som ju tento rok tvarovať, ale nevedel som vymyslieť ako.
A tak keďže som mal v nedeľu trocha času, rozhodol som sa pre iný prístup - otočil som ju a celú vec som dal do misky, kde bude mať viac miesta na rast koreňov ako aj na celkový rast a vývoj.
Do koreňov som vôbec nezasahoval, keďže sa stromček dal pekne zo skaly odobrať.
Neskôr tohto roku ju skúsim natvarovať.
Last summer I planted tiny juniper on a rock I bought from local stone merchant shop.
I planned to style it later but couldn´t figure out how.
As I had some time last sunday, I decided to turn it around and put this whole thing in a pot, where it will have more room for root growth and actually can grow and evolve.
I didn´t mess with the roots just took it off the rock and planted it in a different position.
I will try and style it later this year.
Penjing s borievkou
Minulý rok som kúpil v neďalekom obchode s kameňom skalu a pripevnil na ňu malú borievku.
Chcel som ju tento rok tvarovať, ale nevedel som vymyslieť ako.
A tak keďže som mal v nedeľu trocha času, rozhodol som sa pre iný prístup - otočil som ju a celú vec som dal do misky, kde bude mať viac miesta na rast koreňov ako aj na celkový rast a vývoj.
Do koreňov som vôbec nezasahoval, keďže sa stromček dal pekne zo skaly odobrať.
Neskôr tohto roku ju skúsim natvarovať.
pondelok 18. apríla 2016
štvrtok 7. apríla 2016
Last year when I fell for bonsai I browsed hundreds of bonsai related pages every day, admired and learned everything I could about it.
One of the best bonsai pages I soon discovered was and I was blown away by some of Harry´s creations.
Unlike most of other - japan obsessed bonsai artists - he had his own style and was creating very original looking bonsai.
This one was something very different and special for me:
and I decided I want to have one like that as well and started looking for suitable tree.
I collected one birch and planted it in the ground hoping that buds will appear where I want them.
It didn´t work.
Buds appeared but very close to the base and the rest of the branch died off.
And later, as I was sitting in the garden enjoying sunshine, I noticed one branch on a pear tree that would be perfect.
So I went to get all the necessary stuff and started with air-layerenig.
Later in the autumn my work paid off as I was taking care about it whole summer and watering it as the rest of the trees. It had sufficient roots to be cut off.
I planted it right away on a rock.
And whole czech and slovakian bonsai world visiting forums where I presented it was in shock.
Yes, they were right, that is not the way to do it.
You should put it in a training container for a year or 2 to be able to grow nice rootball to support it.
As I didn´t want to mess with it anymore before the coming winter, I digged a hole in the ground and put the branch with the rock in it.
It survived winter all right and when I saw that buds appeared all over and started to grow, I carefully digged it out, even more carefully removed the branch from the rock without harming the roots and planted it ...not in a training container again, but on a stone slab.
I think it has a lot of substrate to grow in and be happy, and it looks better than in some wooden crate.
Life is short, why not make things nice right away?
As long as the trees show signs of health and growth of course.
If everything goes right, I will have my own raft bonsai inspired by my most favourite bonsai artist´s masterpiece quite soon :)
Last year when I fell for bonsai I browsed hundreds of bonsai related pages every day, admired and learned everything I could about it.
One of the best bonsai pages I soon discovered was and I was blown away by some of Harry´s creations.
Unlike most of other - japan obsessed bonsai artists - he had his own style and was creating very original looking bonsai.
This one was something very different and special for me:
and I decided I want to have one like that as well and started looking for suitable tree.
I collected one birch and planted it in the ground hoping that buds will appear where I want them.
It didn´t work.
And later, as I was sitting in the garden enjoying sunshine, I noticed one branch on a pear tree that would be perfect.
So I went to get all the necessary stuff and started with air-layerenig.
Later in the autumn my work paid off as I was taking care about it whole summer and watering it as the rest of the trees. It had sufficient roots to be cut off.
I planted it right away on a rock.
And whole czech and slovakian bonsai world visiting forums where I presented it was in shock.
Yes, they were right, that is not the way to do it.
You should put it in a training container for a year or 2 to be able to grow nice rootball to support it.
As I didn´t want to mess with it anymore before the coming winter, I digged a hole in the ground and put the branch with the rock in it.
It survived winter all right and when I saw that buds appeared all over and started to grow, I carefully digged it out, even more carefully removed the branch from the rock without harming the roots and planted it ...not in a training container again, but on a stone slab.
I think it has a lot of substrate to grow in and be happy, and it looks better than in some wooden crate.
Life is short, why not make things nice right away?
As long as the trees show signs of health and growth of course.
If everything goes right, I will have my own raft bonsai inspired by my most favourite bonsai artist´s masterpiece quite soon :)
Minulý rok, keď som prepadol bonsajom, som každý deň prezeral stovky stránok na nete týkajúcich sa bonsajov, obdivoval a učil sa všetko čo sa dalo.
Čoskoro som natrafil na jednu z najlepších stránok – – a bol som ohúrený Harryho originálnymi výtvormi.
Na rozdiel od väčšiny bonsajových umelcov, ktorí sú väčšinou posadnutí Japonskom, má Harry svoj vlastný štýl a vytvára veľmi originálne bonsaje.
Napríklad ako tento, ktorý patrí k mojím najobľúbenejším z jeho tvorby:
Rozhodol som sa že aj ja sa pokúsim niečo také napodobniť a vytvoriť bonsai na tento štýl.
Vykopal som jednu brezu a zasadil ju do zeme, dúfajúc, že sa puky objavia na miestach kde potrbujem.
Samozrejme sa objavili len na spodku pahýľa a zvyšok odumrel.
Neskôr, keď som sedel v záhrade a užíval slniečko, som zbadal na otcovej hruške konár, ktorý sa na môj vytúžený bonsai hodí ešte lepšie, a výsledok by sa mal dosiahnuť oveľa skôr, keďže kmene budúcich stromčekov boli už skoro hotové, a stačilo by vybudovať vetvenie.
Hneď som šiel po potrebné veci a začal potápať.
Neskôr na jeseň sa moja snaha vyplatila – polieval som to každý deň ako všetky ostatné bonsaje – konár pustil dostatok koreňov aby vetva prežila a ja som ju mohol odrezať.
A hneď som ju ´´capol´´ na kameň.
A celý český a slovenský bonsajový svet, ktorý navštevuje fóra kde som to prezentoval bol zhrozený.
Áno, mali pravdu – takto sa to nerobí.
Mal by som ju dať do priestranného tréningového kontajnera na rok, dva, aby sa vytvoril dostatočný koreňový bal na prežitie konára.
Keďže som už nechcel babrať do koreňov, vykopal som jamu a dal konár aj s kameňom do zeme, kde prežil zimu.
Keď som začiatkom jari videl že stromček pekne opukal, vykopal som skalu na ktorej bol pripevnený, opatrne ho odstrihol a ešte opatrnejšie bez zasahovania do koreňov som ho zasadil .... zase nie do tréningoveh misky, ale na kamenný plát.
Myslím že tam má dostatok substrátu na vývin koreňového balu, a vyzerá to lepšie ako v nejakej drevenej prepravke, alebo plastovej miske.
Život je krátky, prečo by sme nemohli mať pekne vyzerajúci výtvor hneď?
Pokiaľ sa ovšem stromčeky tvária zdravo a rastú.
Ak všetko pôjde podľa plánu, budem mať už čoskoro svoj vlastný bonsai inšpirovaný Harryho majstrovským dielom J
utorok 5. apríla 2016
I finally managed to restyle this penjing - I wasn´t happy with positioning of 3 trees on the left.
To make it more interesting I addes some rocks as well.
I didn´t do much of a root pruning as it wasn´t necessary yet.
But I like how the rootballs nicely developped.
Prerábanie penjingu číslo 2
Konečne som sa dostal k prerobeniu tohto penjingu.
Nebol som spokojný s pozíciami 3 stromov naľavo.
Pre zaujímavejšiu krajinku som tiež pridal pár skál.
Do koreňového systému som skoro vôbec nezasahoval, keďže to ešte nebolo potrebné.
Za ten rok sa ale pekne vyvinul.
I finally managed to restyle this penjing - I wasn´t happy with positioning of 3 trees on the left.
To make it more interesting I addes some rocks as well.
I didn´t do much of a root pruning as it wasn´t necessary yet.
But I like how the rootballs nicely developped.
Prerábanie penjingu číslo 2
Konečne som sa dostal k prerobeniu tohto penjingu.
Nebol som spokojný s pozíciami 3 stromov naľavo.
Pre zaujímavejšiu krajinku som tiež pridal pár skál.
Do koreňového systému som skoro vôbec nezasahoval, keďže to ešte nebolo potrebné.
Za ten rok sa ale pekne vyvinul.
UPDATE 7.4.2016
Yesterday I wanted to prune some of the branches that were growing the wrong way.
It appeared that most of them were and I was left with....well...look for yourself:
It is gonna take 2-3 years to develop new crowns but hopefully it will be worth it and the result would be penjing with nicer trees.
Včera som chcel trošku upraviť koruny na stromčekoch a odstrániť vetvy, ktoré boli celkom mimo.
A to boli nakoniec skoro všetky a zo stromčekov toho veľa neostalo.
Bude to trvať 2-3 roky kým vytvorím nové koruny, no dúfam že to bude stáť zato.
pondelok 4. apríla 2016
Last year I bought this young juniper in garden centre for 7 euros.
I chose it cause it apparently offered itself to be styled as a cascade.
I tried to style it right away, starting with the bottom left twig, but after I moved it down, I heard cracking noise, so I stopped working on it and decided to wait and see what happens.
It survived whole year of my novice care and even the bottom twig didn´t die on me, so I continued styling over the weekend.
This is it after the first rough styling.
Minulý rok som v záhradníctve kúpil túto borievku za 7 eur.
Vybral som ju, pretože sa sama ponúkala na tvarovanie do kaskády.
Skúsil som ju hneď tvarovať, začal som spodnou vetvou, ale keď som ju ohol dole, počul som ako praskla.
Skončil som tvarovanie a rozhodol sa čakať na následky.
Borievka v pohode prežila rok mojej začiatočníckej starostlivosti, dokonca to prežila aj spodná vetva, a tak som sa ju cez víkend rozhodol dotvarovať.
Dole je výsledok prvého hrubého tvarovania.
Last year I bought this young juniper in garden centre for 7 euros.
I chose it cause it apparently offered itself to be styled as a cascade.
I tried to style it right away, starting with the bottom left twig, but after I moved it down, I heard cracking noise, so I stopped working on it and decided to wait and see what happens.
It survived whole year of my novice care and even the bottom twig didn´t die on me, so I continued styling over the weekend.
This is it after the first rough styling.
Minulý rok som v záhradníctve kúpil túto borievku za 7 eur.
Vybral som ju, pretože sa sama ponúkala na tvarovanie do kaskády.
Skúsil som ju hneď tvarovať, začal som spodnou vetvou, ale keď som ju ohol dole, počul som ako praskla.
Skončil som tvarovanie a rozhodol sa čakať na následky.
Borievka v pohode prežila rok mojej začiatočníckej starostlivosti, dokonca to prežila aj spodná vetva, a tak som sa ju cez víkend rozhodol dotvarovať.
Dole je výsledok prvého hrubého tvarovania.
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