Over the easter holiday I took a trip with my girl to collect some rocks for penjing 7.
We went to Kojšov by car, and then by foot up the hills to Folkmar rocks (about 1 hour long hike), to a place, where we got rocks now planted on Railway and land penjing.
Ever since I got them I wanted to get back and collect some more rocks of that type.
After carefull examination of many rocks of various shapes and sizes we got 2 backpacks of them - not full of course - but as much as we can carry.
As there were few days off for me and my girl had to go to work on saturday for a few hours, I spent all morning playing with them and moving them around, till I was quite happy with the layout and mixed cement glue for tiles with water to a right mixture and glued them into the landscape.
I didn´t have to cut bottoms of rocks flat, because they were nearly perfectly flat already on half of the rocks and I was happy to use most of them for this penjing.
Tvorba krajinky na penjingu 7
Počas veľkonočného voľna sme sa s priateľkou vybrali nazbierať pár skál pre penjing 7.
Sadli sme do auta a odviezli sa do Kojšova, a potom peši asi hodinku stále do kopca k Folkmarským skalám, odkiaľ mám skaly, ktoré su prilepené na penjingu s vláčikom.
Odkedy sme ich tam našli som sa stále chcel vrátiť na to miesto a nazbierať viac skál toho druhu.
Po preskúmaní veľkého množstva skál rôznych tvarov som vytriedil 2 batohy skál - nie plné, ale také ťažké, aby sme ich boli schopní odniesť.
Keďže bolo pár dní voľna, ale priateľka na druhý deň musela do práce na pár hodín, využil som doobedie a hral sa so skalami, premiestňoval ich hore dole až kým som bol spokojný s ich rozmiestnením, namixoval lepidlo na obklady a dlažby a prilepil ich do krajinky.
Nemusel som rezať spodok ani na jednej skale, keďže asi polovica donesených skál ich mala skoro perfektne rovné, a tie som skoro všetky použil na tento penjing.