štvrtok 5. novembra 2015


Since I got into bonsai and gardening this spring, I tried to do something with the front garden at my parent´s house.

This is how it looked after I moved some plants away that were growing here and there and overall image was just a mess. And after planting some yamadori trees.

And a bit later.

I made two hills as a centerpiece to create something like penjing in a bigger scale and wired some trees and planted them on top. This showed to be not a good decision (wiring) as it is very difficult to maintain in such conditions.

In winter I will remove the wires and will shape the trees just by pruning.
Here are some more images from the garden plus the garden on the other side of the footpath.



Keď som sa namotal na bonsaje začiatkom roka, pustil som sa aj do prestavby záhradky rodičov.
Ako hlavný bod som vytvoril 2 kopčeky na ktoré som nainštaloval nadrôtované stromčeky, a chcel tak vytvoriť akoby penjing vo väčšej mierke.
Ale drôtovanie nebol dobrý nápad, pretože udržiavanie a predrôtovanie je v takých podmienkach problematické a nepohodlné.
Tak v zime odstránim drôty a budem ich tvarovať len strihaním.
Hore pár obrázkov z vývoja zahrádok.

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