Over the weeked I trimmed overgrown leaves of hornbeams on penjing number 6 and rebuilt railway feature from scratch as the track was completelly destroyed by birds that were looking for food in it.
Cez víkend som ostrihal prerastené listy na penjingu 6 a znovu vybudoval železničnú trať, ktorá bola totálne zničená vtákmi, ktoré v nej hľadali potravu.

My bonsai diary. I will present you with what I did, spoiled, learned and have seen - that has something to do with bonsai. And to keep track of progress of my trees and penjing creations. Because I´m lovin´ it :) If you like what you see, you can check out my eshop where some of my creations and yamadori trees are for sale. I ship throughout EU countries, just contact me for the shipping cost.
pondelok 30. mája 2016
Here are some trees and wines that I am trying to airlayer this year.
I started with ficus from supermarket, I want to have 3 pieces out of it.
Then I continued with wisteria that is not intended for bonsai, but for another garden tree.
I probably cut too deep and all the leaves dried out, but I still hope it will be ok because of some long branchces that are still green.
Same happened with 2 grape wines, I disposed of 1 of them and the other still have some leaves so it maght make it.
Then I went to grandparents garden and continued with plum tree, quince, pear and cherry tree.
Tu je zopár stromov a rastlín, ktoré skúšam rozmnožiť vzdušným potápaním toho roku.
Začal som fikusom zo supermarketu z ktorého by som chcel mať 3 kúsky.
Pokračoval som wistériou, z ktorej by mal byť ďalší záhradný stromček - no asi som rezal príliš hlboko a všetky listy hneď zoschli - ale stále dúfam že to dá, lebo má ešte pár zelených konárikov.
Hlboko som rezal asi aj na viniči, jeden som už rovno odrezal lebo celý potopenec vyschol, no na druhom je ešte pár lístkov, takže to možno dá.
Potom som šiel do záhrady starkých a pokračoval som so slivkou, dulou, hruškou a čerešňou.
Here are some trees and wines that I am trying to airlayer this year.
I started with ficus from supermarket, I want to have 3 pieces out of it.
Then I continued with wisteria that is not intended for bonsai, but for another garden tree.
I probably cut too deep and all the leaves dried out, but I still hope it will be ok because of some long branchces that are still green.
Same happened with 2 grape wines, I disposed of 1 of them and the other still have some leaves so it maght make it.
Then I went to grandparents garden and continued with plum tree, quince, pear and cherry tree.
Tu je zopár stromov a rastlín, ktoré skúšam rozmnožiť vzdušným potápaním toho roku.
Začal som fikusom zo supermarketu z ktorého by som chcel mať 3 kúsky.
Pokračoval som wistériou, z ktorej by mal byť ďalší záhradný stromček - no asi som rezal príliš hlboko a všetky listy hneď zoschli - ale stále dúfam že to dá, lebo má ešte pár zelených konárikov.
Hlboko som rezal asi aj na viniči, jeden som už rovno odrezal lebo celý potopenec vyschol, no na druhom je ešte pár lístkov, takže to možno dá.
Potom som šiel do záhrady starkých a pokračoval som so slivkou, dulou, hruškou a čerešňou.
pondelok 23. mája 2016
These trees were collected this spring and here you can see how they are adapting to life with me.
These trees were collected this spring and here you can see how they are adapting to life with me.
Pohľad na tohtoročné yamadori po pár mesiacoch v mojej starostlivosti. Dub
Hornbeam - penjing 7
Hrab - penjing 7
Hrab - penjing 7
Another Hornbeam that is gonna be legendary :P
A ďalší hrab, ktorý bude legendárny :P
Hawthorn and Blackthorn that had nearly no roots and were subjected to "sweating"
Hloh a trnka ktoré nemali skoro žiadne korene a pravdepodobne prežili vďaka technike "potenie"
Last year collected spruce shows signs of life too
Minulý rok kopaný smrek tiež ukazuje známky života
And now sad news - these trees didn´t survive last year´s collection :(
Lessons were learned - Pine was collected in late summer with not a great rootball, Hornbeam in autumn with not a great rootball too, although on a photo it seems that rootball was ok, after washing away all the foreign roots, the tree was left with just a few of them.
It is a pity that I haven´t heard about sweating when I collected these.
A teraz smutné správy - tieto stromy neprežili minuloročné výkopy :(
Borovica mala veľmi málo koreňov, hrab tiež, aj keď na fotke to tak nevyzerá, po premytí ostalo len zopár vlastných.
Škoda že vtedy, keď som ich kopal som o potení ešte nečítal.
And another tree that was purchased with all the other elms I got me last year and treated and wintered the same as others, but is showing no buds at all and is probably dead, - although the tiny branches are still green on the inside.
I guess that in very little substrate I grew it in on that rock he might had no chance against early frosts in autumn and maybe the substrate got dry on some occasion in the winter storage although I have been checking the trees every day and watered them as needed.
A ďalší strom, ktorý bol kúpený s ostatnými mojími brestmi, a tiež o neho bolo rovnako postarané, no nemá žiadné puky a asi je mrtvy - aj keď konáriky sú stále zelené vo vnútri.
Tipujem že tá trocha substrátu v ktorej som nechal tento stromček rásť mohla počas zimy na chvíľku preschnúť, aj keď som stromčeky kontroloval každý deň,
alebo mu mohli ublížiť skoré jesenné mrazy.
I hope that due to all the stuff I learned so far and all the precautions I am now taking, these trees have been very last ones that died on me.
And how are the other elms?
Some of them are just opening the buds, some growing like mad already.
Dúfam, že vďaka tomu čo som sa doteraz naučil a vďaka opatrnosti s ktorou už k tomu pristupujem boli tieto stromčeky posledné, ktoré mi odišli.
A ako sa majú ostatné bresty?
Niektoré ešte len otváraju puky, iné už rastú ako divé.
sobota 21. mája 2016
WTF? I am supposed to practise before the gig today supporting famous slovakian band Desmod and instead I am spending 5 hours putting this thing together?
I think I´m going slightly mad :D
I got these rocks last year and I wanted to make good use of them so I started thinking about the layout during last week, sticking the rocks into polystyrene box cover.
WTF? I am supposed to practise before the gig today supporting famous slovakian band Desmod and instead I am spending 5 hours putting this thing together?
I think I´m going slightly mad :D
I got these rocks last year and I wanted to make good use of them so I started thinking about the layout during last week, sticking the rocks into polystyrene box cover.
On thursday I went to garden centre to buy some small plants to simulate forest and one tiny juniper Prince of Wales, that is great for this kind of thing, as it has branches at the ground level and I could spread them all over the "hill".
Nový penjing - číslo 8
Čo to stváram? Mal by som cvičiť pred koncertom kde robíme predkapelu Desmodu, a namiesto toho dávam dokopy 5 hodín túto vec?
Asi mi už fakt hrabe :D
Tieto skaly som kúpil minulý rok v kamenárstve a chcel som ich nejako využiť, tak už behom týždňa som vymýšľal kompozíciu s pomocou polystyrenového vrchnáka krabice, do ktorého som zapichoval skaly.
Vo štvrtok som skočil do zahradnictva a kupil male rastlinky simulujuce porast a jednu borievku Prince of Wales ktorá sa na toto perfektne hodí, lebo má konáre hneď pri zemi a mohol som ich roztiahnuť po celom kopci.
štvrtok 12. mája 2016
We planted this Laburnum vatereri vossi with my daughter yesterday, our first planting together, so this tree is dedicated to her and will grow with her.
She is 2 and a half years old and very keen on helping with everything, especially with watering daddy´s bonsai trees - children obviously love to play with water :)
This tree is also first step in creating my real life penjing heaven, as it is planted by my grandparent´s house, where I will be moving in few weeks.
It has great potential for displaying bonsai, as it has a support wall about 1,5 meter tall in front of it, so my bonsai display will be quite stylish :D
Once I´m there, I will upload a video of the place with my creations displayed, and some original music to give it some original feel.
I cannot wait...
Emmin strom
S dcérkou sme včera zasadili tento Štedrec previsnutý vossi, bolo to naše prvé spoločné sadenie stromu, a tak je tento stromček venovaný jej a bude s ňou rásť.
Emmka má dva a pol roka a veľmi rada so všetkým pomáha, hlavne s polievaním tatových bonsajov - deti sa veľmi rady hrajú s vodičkou :)
Tento strom je zároveň prvým krokom v budovaní môjho skutočného penjingového raja, keďže je zasadený pred domom mojích starých rodičov, kde sa o pár týždňov sťahujem.
Má veľký potenciál na vystavovanie bonsajov, pretože dom má vpredu oporný múr, asi meter a pol vysoký, kde budú moje výtvory vystavené vo veľkom štýle :D
Chystám sa potom spraviť video keď tam budem, a nahrávam aj originálnu hudbu aby som tomu dodal správnu atmosféru.
Neviem sa dočkať...
We planted this Laburnum vatereri vossi with my daughter yesterday, our first planting together, so this tree is dedicated to her and will grow with her.
She is 2 and a half years old and very keen on helping with everything, especially with watering daddy´s bonsai trees - children obviously love to play with water :)
This tree is also first step in creating my real life penjing heaven, as it is planted by my grandparent´s house, where I will be moving in few weeks.
It has great potential for displaying bonsai, as it has a support wall about 1,5 meter tall in front of it, so my bonsai display will be quite stylish :D
Once I´m there, I will upload a video of the place with my creations displayed, and some original music to give it some original feel.
I cannot wait...
Emmin strom
S dcérkou sme včera zasadili tento Štedrec previsnutý vossi, bolo to naše prvé spoločné sadenie stromu, a tak je tento stromček venovaný jej a bude s ňou rásť.
Emmka má dva a pol roka a veľmi rada so všetkým pomáha, hlavne s polievaním tatových bonsajov - deti sa veľmi rady hrajú s vodičkou :)
Tento strom je zároveň prvým krokom v budovaní môjho skutočného penjingového raja, keďže je zasadený pred domom mojích starých rodičov, kde sa o pár týždňov sťahujem.
Má veľký potenciál na vystavovanie bonsajov, pretože dom má vpredu oporný múr, asi meter a pol vysoký, kde budú moje výtvory vystavené vo veľkom štýle :D
Chystám sa potom spraviť video keď tam budem, a nahrávam aj originálnu hudbu aby som tomu dodal správnu atmosféru.
Neviem sa dočkať...
sobota 7. mája 2016
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